Agile Design: How To Fail Your Way To Success

Agile Design: How to Fail Your Way to Success

It’s easy to look at a gorgeous mature app--Uber, Instagram, you name it--and think it was born polished and perfect. But the road to digital product success is littered with failure (and that’s a good thing). At Gaslight, we practice an agile design process that’s based around iteration. Rather than go for perfect out of the gate, we work quickly, test with clients and end users, and iterate based on real-world feedback.

In this session, we’ll give you a full run down on the agile design process. You’ll come away with enough knowledge to apply this approach to your next project.

When & Where
Wed, Sep 28, 2016 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
708 Walnut Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202