"Linotype: The Film" is a feature-length documentary centered around the Linotype type casting machine. Called the "Eighth Wonder of the World" by Thomas Edison, it revolutionized printing and society. The film tells the surprisingly emotional story of the people connected to the Linotype and how it impacted the world.
FREE for AIGA and CAC members. $5 for non-members.
Doors will open at 6:00, film screening will start at 6:30.
The first 40 people that show up for the screening will receive a free Linotype commemorative metal slug made by The Carillon Historical Park, 1930's Print Shop (similar to this one http://linotypefilm.bigcartel.com/product/linotype-the-film-metal-slug.
AND the first 100 people to show up will also receive limited edition letterpress poster. Get there early!