For the fourth year, AIGA Cincinnati + WomanUp will honor Women’s History Month by presenting Words of Wisdom, a community gallery show. This event is generously sponsored and hosted by Deskey.
Words of Wisdom is a celebration of inspiring words of women in the world, showcased through unique works of art made by local creatives. This gallery show will be on Friday, March 29, 2019. Any proceeds from the show will benefit the Women’s Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation.
This is a great opportunity to celebrate Women’s History Month, flex your creative muscles, raise money for a good cause, and take home affordable one-of-a-kind pieces of art! There are two ways to participate: submit your original artwork and/or attend the gallery show.
Gallery show schedule:
Doors open at 5:30 pm, view pieces and enjoy refreshments provided by Deskey.
Art sales benefiting the Women’s Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation will start promptly at 7 pm. (Pieces may be purchased on a first come, first served basis at the event. Credit or debit only.)
Call for entries: We’re looking for creative pieces from artists, designers and everyone in between. All are welcome to submit their work by Wednesday, March 27. See complete details and rules below.
Submission requirements:
- Piece must depict, illustrate or celebrate the inspiring words of a woman. She can be famous, historical, someone you know personally … if she inspires you, she’s welcome to be the focus of your art. Get creative!
- Submissions must be 8” x 8” square and less than ¼” thick. Unique papers or materials encouraged, but canvas or anything overly thick and heavy is not permitted. If it does not meet these requirements, it will not be displayed.
- You will have the option to donate your piece to benefit the Women’s Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation. Donate your work to this amazing non-profit by selling it for $15, $25 or $50. You can select that option on the required submission form and attach it to the back of your piece. Pieces that are not being sold/donated will be returned to artists following the gallery show, you will be contacted directly via email.
- You do not have to be an AIGA member (or a woman) to participate, all are welcome.
- All pieces must be submitted by Wednesday, March 27, no exceptions.
- Note: This is NOT a contest, simply a community project focused on getting creative, having fun, exploring history and culture and sharing inspiration. All entries submitted will be displayed, pending there is room in the gallery and they do not violate the values of AIGA. The final decision will be left to the AIGA Cincinnati executive committee.
How to submit:
Rules and other official stuff:
- Artists of all ages may submit a piece.
- You may submit as many pieces as you would like. Please consider quality or quantity to help us support our fundraising efforts for the Women’s Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation.
- Pieces must be dropped off by March 27, late submissions will not be accepted. Digital submissions will not be accepted, you must drop off your physical piece at Deskey or an AIGA Cincinnati event.
- We will not print any pieces on an artist’s behalf.
- There are no limitations on content, but your piece should be celebratory of women.
- If you do not attach the required submission form, it will be assumed that you would like to donate your piece for $15.
Questions or concerns?
Please email our AIGA WomanUp director, or chair,